You can create Warranties for your Assets for a specific period of time.
An Asset Warranty may include several Assets, but an Asset can only be related to one active Asset Warranty at a time. An Asset Warranty may provide full or partial coverage, depending on the contents of the agreement.
You have completed setup of Assets and Work Orders in EAM-BC.
In EAM-BC, you can create an Asset Warranty and add one or more Assets to the Warranty.
An Asset Warranty is valid for a specific period and may include full or partial coverage of Assets. You can add documents to an Asset Warranty, describing the details of the Warranty Agreement.
If an Asset is not fully functional during the Asset Warranty period, you can create a Claim for the purpose of, for example, repair or replacement of an Asset, as described in the Warranty Agreement.
A Claim can only include one Warranty and one of the Assets included in that Warranty. You can create a Work Order from a Claim.
Some of the setup for Asset Warranty is done in Asset Management Setup.
For more information about Asset Managment setup, refer to the article Asset Management Setup.
Use Asset Warranty Statuses to see the current status of an Asset Warranty, for example, "In Use", "Expired", or "Not in use".
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to create an Asset Warranty Status.
On your role center, search for and select Asset Warranty Statuses.
In the Asset Warranty Statuses list, select New in the ribbon.
Enter data in the Code field.
In the Description field, enter a description of the status.
Select the Default check box on the Asset Warranty Status record you want to use as default when you create an Asset Warranty.
The user can create an Asset Warranty Status.
Claim Event Types are used on a Claim to define the different types of events/actions taken when processing the Claim. Examples of Claim Event Types are
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to create a Claim Event Type.
On your role center, search for and select Claim Event Types.
Select New in the ribbon.
Enter data in the Code field.
In the Description field, enter a description of the Client Event Type.
The user can create a Client Event Type.
An Asset Warranty is valid for a specific period and may include full or partial coverage of Assets. You can add documents to an Asset Warranty, outlining the details of the Warranty Agreement.
You can add several Assets to an Asset Warranty, but one Asset can only be related to one, active Asset Warranty at a time.
On your role center, select Assets > Asset Warranties (or search for and select "Asset Warranties") to see the Asset Warranties list. The list gives you an overview of active and expired Warranties as well as information about vendors and manufacturers.
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to create an Asset Warranty.
The screenshot below shows an example of an Asset Warranty covering two Assets.
Warranty information can be found on Asset cards and Work Order cards:
On your role center, select Assets > Asset Warranties, or search for and select Asset Warranties.
Select New in the ribbon.
Select the Description field and enter a description for the Warranty.
The No. and Status fields are automatically filled out according to your setup.
Select a Start Date for the Warranty agreement.
Select an Expiration Date for the Warranty agreement.
When you leave the Expiration Date field, the Notification Date field is automatically filled out, based on the setup in Asset Management Setup > Warranty Notification Days field. You can edit Notification Date, if required.
The date in the Expiration Date field may be shown in different colors (green, yellow, or red):
Green means the Asset Warranty is active (not expired), and the Notification Date is later than the current date.
Yellow means the Notification Date field is the current date or a previous date.
Red means the Asset Warranty has expired (Expiration Date is a previous date).
Optional: Select a Manufacturer.
Optional: Enter notes in the Notes field.
On the Vendor FastTab, select the vendor in the No. field. Available data related to the vendor are automatically added to other fields on the Vendor FastTab.
Next, you add the Assets to be included in the Asset Warranty.
On the Assets FastTab, select Manage > Add Assets or Add Assets with Children.
In the Assets list, select an Asset and select OK. The Asset is added to the Warranty. If you selected to include children, parent as well as child Assets are added to the list.
When you have added all Assets required, refresh the screen to update the Assets under Warranty field, showing number of Assets included in the Warranty.
Note: If you want to remove an Asset from a Warranty, select the Asset on the Assets FastTab, then select Manage > Remove Assets.
The user can create an Asset Warranty and add one or more Assets to the Warranty.
On an Asset Warranty Card, you can inspect Assets and view Asset details in two ways.
The contents of an Asset Warranty determines when, and to what extent, you can create a claim for an Asset included in the Asset Warranty.
What you are actually able to claim, is described in the details of the Asset Warranty, for example
On your role center, select Assets > Claims (or search for and select "Claims") to see the Claims list. The list gives you an overview of the current status of your Claims as well as next actions planned on the Claims. The Screenshot below shows an example of the Claims list.
Working with Claims include:
Refer to the test cases below for step-by-step instructions on how to
The screenshot below shows an example of the Claims list.
On your role center, select Assets > Claims, or search for and select Claims.
Select New in the ribbon.
Select the Description field and enter a description for the Claim.
The No. and Status fields are automatically filled out.
In the Warranty No. field, select the Asset Warranty you are creating a Claim for.
On the Company FastTab, fields are automatically filled out with data from the selected Warranty.
In the Asset No. field, select the Asset that you are creating a Claim for.
You can only select an Asset that has been added to the selected Warranty.
Optional: On the General FastTab, you can enter a description for Next Action to be taken on the Claim, and you can select Next Action Date and Expected Completion Date as you require.
Optional: If you want to add documents or pictures to the Claim, this can be done from the Process and Documents buttons in the ribbon.
The user can create a Claim for an Asset included in an Asset Warranty agreement.
On the Claim card > Events FastTab, select an event type in Type field.
Enter a description or note about the event in the Notes field.
The Creation Date and Created By fields are automatically filled out.
Select Next Event Type for the record.
Select Next Event Date for the record.
Repeat steps 1-4 if you want to add more events on the Claim.
The user can add events to a Claim.
On the Asset Card, select Process > Create Claim in the ribbon.
A new Claim is created for the Asset. On the General FastTab, the fields No. - Warranty No. - Asset No. - Status are automatically filled out.
On the Vendor FastTab, fields are automatically filled out with data from the Asset Warranty.
Refer to the test case "Creating a Claim" above for more details on how to fill out other fields on a Claim.
The user can create a Claim from the Asset Card.
On the Asset Warranty Card > Assets FastTab, select the line with the Asset you want to create a Claim for.
On the Assets FastTab, select Manage > Create Claim.
A new Claim is created for the Asset Warranty. On the General FastTab, the fields No. - Warranty No. - Asset No. - Status are automatically filled out.
On the Vendor FastTab, fields are automatically filled out with data from the Asset Warranty.
Refer to the test case "Creating a Claim" above for more details on how to fill out other fields on a Claim.
The user can create a Claim for an Asset from the Asset Warranty Card.
You can create a Work Order from a Claim if, for example, repair og replacement work is required to complete the Claim.
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to create a Work Order from a Claim.
Refer to the following articles for information on how to process a Work Order:
On your role center, select Assets > Claims, or search for and select Claims.
In the Claims list, select the link in the No. column of the Claim you want to create a Work Order for.
On the Claim card, select Process > Create Work Order in the ribbon.
The Create one-off work order window opens.
Enter a Description for the Work Order.
If required, change the Work Order Date.
Select a Category Code.
Select a Priority Code.
Select Yes to create the Work Order.
The Work Order card opens. On the Work Order, the Warranty No. and Claim No. fields are automatically filled out with data from the Claim.
The user can create a Work Order from a Claim.
On the Claim, a record is automatically added as an event of type "Work Order", with a link to the Work Order.
From an Asset Warranty Card, you can get an overview of the Claims related to the Warranty and inspect active Claim records.
From the Work Orders list, you can open an Asset Warranty and the active Claim related to a Work Order.
In EAM-BC, you can set up the Maintenance Log to log changes regarding Claims.
Refer to the Maintenance log section for information on how to set up the log and use it to get an overview of changes made to Claims.