Create a Claim

The contents of an Asset Warranty determines when, and to what extent, you can create a claim for an Asset included in the Asset Warranty.

What you are actually able to claim, is described in the details of the Asset Warranty, for example

On your role center, select Assets > Claims (or search for and select "Claims") to see the Claims list. The list gives you an overview of the current status of your Claims as well as next actions planned on the Claims. The Screenshot below shows an example of the Claims list.

Working with Claims include:

  1. Create the Claim
  2. Update the status of the Claim as you are working on it. Available statuses are: Open - Waiting - Closed
  3. Process the Claim by adding Next Actions and Events
  4. When the Claim is completed, select Actual Completion Date and update the status to "Closed"

Refer to the test cases below for step-by-step instructions on how to

The screenshot below shows an example of the Claims list.

Claims list