Requests are used to create a request indicating that a work order may be required for a specific job. A planner or manager can then decide whether the request should be converted to a work order. You can set up different request types to be used in your company, for example, maintenance requests.
All requests
Click Enterprise asset management > Common > Requests > All requests or Active requests to open the list. All requests contain a list of all requests, regardless of the request stage.
Customer account information is available in Asset Service Management (external maintenance), but not in Enterprise Asset Management (internal maintenance).
Request stages define the stages that a request can go through, for example, "Created", "Active", and "Ended". When a request is converted to a work order, the request stage should be updated to "Ended" or "Closed" to indicate that the request is no longer active. You are able to view all requests, regardless of their stage, in the All requests list.
Whether you are able to work with inbound and outbound objects depends on the setup of Enterprise Asset Management. The functionality can only be used if the Inbound/outbound check box is selected in the License configuration form (System administration > Setup > Licensing > License configuration). Read more about configuration in the License Configuration chapter.
If the Inbound toggle button or the Outbound toggle button is set to "Yes" on the Update FastTab on a request stage, it means that when the stage is set to "Inbound" or "Outbound" on a request, the object stage for the object selected on the request is updated accordingly.
Request stages, stage groups, and types are related and used in the same way as work order stages, work order stage groups, and work order types. Refer to the Work Order Stages section for a general explanation regarding stage group, type, and stage relations.
When you have created the stages required for your requests, they can be divided into groups. This is done to create the stage group flow that may be used for different types of requests. As a minimum, one standard request stage group should be created.
A request type is used to categorize requests, for example relating to preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, or a special request type that manages repair of objects, which could be called "depot repair".
A request type defines the request stage group affiliation. Request stage group defines which stages can be set for a request, for example, "Created", "Active", and "Ended".
Responsible workers can be related to object types, objects, functional locations, job groups, job types, variants, and trades to make a worker preference on work orders and requests regarding which workers should be responsible for a work order (but not necessarily the ones scheduled to carry out a work order). The use of this functionality is optional. For example, it can be used to select responsible workers or worker groups for specific work types or work areas. During a work order life cycle or a request life cycle, it is possible to change or update responsible workers, which could be related to, for example, a change in request stage or work order stage. The setup in Responsible workers is not used during work order scheduling.
Before you can set up responsible workers, you must first set up the workers and worker groups that should be available for selection. Refer to the Workers and Worker Groups section for a description on how to set up workers and worker groups.
Set up responsible workers
A responsible worker or worker group can be related to a specific
or a combination of those selections. The more selections you make for the same record, the more specific your setup becomes.
The default setup will be used during work order scheduling in case no other, more specific, combination matches the contents of the work order during work order scheduling.
During creation of a request, when a responsible worker or responsible worker group is made available for selection in All requests, Enterprise Asset Management goes through all responsible worker records to check for a possible match, always checking the most specific combination first. This means that, first, a possible match regarding Trade is checked. If no match is found, Variant is checked. If no match is found, Job type is checked, and so on. As you can see in the layout, this means that Enterprise Asset Management checks each record from right to left for a match (Trade, then Variant, then Job type, Job group, Functional location, Object, Object type) to find the most specific combination. If no match is found, the "default" record with no selections in those seven fields is used.
In Enterprise Asset Management, you can also set up preferred workers, who may be allocated on work orders during work order scheduling. Refer to the Set Up Preferred Workers section for more information.