Create a Permit Template

The Purpose of a Permit Template is to create a task list regarding safety-related tasks, including a specific approval workflow, which can be used across multiple Work Orders. This approach ensures that maintenance work can be carried out in a safe way, and that the same safety tasks can be applied to different work situations.

A Permit Template may include one or more Form Templates for Permits.

When you have created a Permit Template, you can

Note: As described above, you can manually create a Permit and add Forms to it without using a Permit Template. However, we recommend that you use Permit Templates because they allow you to create one template to be used on several Work Order Plans and related Work Orders. Any updates on a Permit Template will automatically affect related Work Order Plans and Work Orders.

A Permit Template can go through various states, depending on the actions taken on the Permit Template. Here is a status overview:

Permit Template Status

Description / related action
Open The Permit Template is created and editable.
Released The Permit Template can be Assigned to Work Order Plans and Permits.
Inactive The Permit Template cannot be used.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to create a Permit Template.